Physics, 28.11.2019 22:31 trevorhenyan51

Playing a game of soccer, baseball or basketball change if inertia ended?

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 21.06.2019 22:30
Follow these directions and answer the questions. 1. shine a pencil-thin beam of light on a mirror perpendicular to its surface. (if you don't have a laser light as suggested in the video, you can make a narrow beam from a flashlight by making a cone from black construction paper and taping it over the face of the flashlight.) how does the light reflect? how does the relationship of incident to reflected ray relate to the reflection of water waves moving perpendicular to a barrier? 2. shine a pencil-thin beam of light on a mirror standing on a sheet of paper on the table (or floor) so that you can mark the incident ray and reflected ray. (you can support the mirror from the back by taping it to a wooden block.) 3. mark a line on the paper representing the reflective surface. (the reflective surface of a mirror is usually the back edge.) 4. draw a dashed line perpendicular to the mirror surface at a point where the incident and reflected ray meet. this perpendicular is called a normal to the surface. 5. measure the angles between the rays and the normal. the angle of incidence is the angle formed by the incident ray and the normal to the surface. the angle formed by the reflected ray and normal is called the angle of reflection (r). what is the angle of incidence? what is the angle of reflection? 6. repeat for several different angles. (see report sheet for details.) what appears to be the relationship between the angle of incidence and angle of reflection? in science 1204, what was the relationship for these two angles made by the reflection of waves in a ripple tank? 7. roll a ball bearing so that it hits a fixed, hard surface (a metal plate) at several angles (including head-on). observe the way in which the ball bearing reflects. what generalization can you make about how a ball bearing reflects from a wall? have you proved that light can only behave like a wave?
Answers: 1
Physics, 21.06.2019 23:00
Follow these directions and answer the questions. 1. set up the ripple tank as in previous investigations. 2. bend the rubber tube to form a "concave mirror" and place in the ripple tank. the water level must be below the top of the hose. 3. generate a few straight pulses with the dowel and observe the reflected waves. do the waves focus (come together) upon reflection? can you locate the place where the waves meet? 4. touch the water surface where the waves converged. what happens to the reflected wave? 5. move your finger twice that distance from the hose (2f = c of c, center of the curvature) and touch the water again. does the image (the reflected wave) appear in the same location (c of c)? you may have to experiment before you find the exact location. sometimes it is hard to visualize with the ripple tank because the waves move so quickly. likewise, it is impossible to "see" light waves because they have such small wavelengths and move at the speed of light. however, both are examples of transverse waves and behave in the same way when a parallel wave fronts hit a curved surface.
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 03:30
Starting with only the balmer series light (visible light), how could we ensure that the solar panels generate a current that mark can use for his power station? a)by gradually increasing the brightness (amount) of light that we shine on it. b)by gradually increasing the frequency of the light we shine on it. c)by gradually increasing the wavelength of the light that we shine on it.
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 11:10
Rank the automobiles based on the magnitude of the force needed to stop them, from largest to smallest.2000 kg car going 5m/s500 kg car going 20 m/s1000 kg car going20m/s500 kg car going10m/s1000 kg car going10/s4000 kg car going 5m/s 0 0 603
Answers: 3
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Playing a game of soccer, baseball or basketball change if inertia ended?...
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