Physics, 12.02.2021 22:30 antoinewill05

A student stretches out a rubber band. What primary form of energy does the stretched-out rubber band possess? A. gravitational potential B. electrical C. kinetic D. elastic potential​

Answers: 2

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To practice problem-solving strategy 10.1 for energy conservation problems. a sled is being held at rest on a slope that makes an angle θ with the horizontal. after the sled is released, it slides a distance d1 down the slope and then covers the distance d2 along the horizontal terrain before stopping. find the coefficient of kinetic friction μk between the sled and the ground, assuming that it is constant throughout the trip.
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Steel water aluminum think about the three words listed here. which word could be added as the title of this list of words to tell how these words are related? a) conductors b) heat c) insulators d) metals
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Physics, 23.06.2019 03:00
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Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
A student stretches out a rubber band. What primary form of energy does the stretched-out rubber ban...
Mathematics, 27.10.2021 22:30