Physics, 06.11.2020 14:40 devante63

* A train accelerates uniformly from rest at point 0 to 30 m/s at point A.
The distance travelled during this stage is 900 m.
At point A, the train continues with a constant velocity until reaching
point B. The distance travelled during this stage is 1500 m.
Determine the average velocity of the train (V OB=


A train accelerates uniformly from rest at point 0 to 30 m/s at point A.The distance travelled

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 21.06.2019 21:40
Avery hard rubber ball (m = 0.5 kg) is falling vertically at 4 m/s just before it bounces on the floor. the ball rebounds back at essentially the same speed. if the collision with the floor lasts 0.05 s, what is the average force exerted by the floor on the ball?
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 03:00
If it takes a planet 2.8 x 10^8 s to orbit a star with a mass of 6.2 x 10^30 kg what is the average distance between the planet and the star
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 08:00
While studying chemical reactions and conservation of matter, sarah's class conducted a variety of experiments. sarah and her lab partner found the mass of a wax candle and placed the candle in a flask. the students lit the candle and let it burn to completion. all that was left was wax and charred candle wick. per their teacher's instructions, the students found the mass of the products. their data can be seen in the data table. formulate a hypothesis the students could test to explain why the experiment did not support the law of conservation of matter. a) the students could repeat the experiment using different candles; there might have been a flaw in the candle. b) the experiment should be repeatable. the students should run several trials and then take an average of the after mass in each trial. c) the students should have someone in the class check their measurement skills as they repeat the experiment. they may have made an error using the balance. d) the students should burn the candle in a container that has some type of lid so that any gas that is a product of the reaction can be contained and massed. submit
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 12:30
What would be the strength of earth's gravitational field at a point where an 80.0 kg astronaut would experience a 80% reduction in weight
Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
* A train accelerates uniformly from rest at point 0 to 30 m/s at point A.
The distance travel...
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