Physics, 05.05.2020 11:49 patricia1964

Explore In the AC generated illustrated above, a conducting loop rotates in the magnetic field of two permanent magnets. The magnetic field lines fill the gap from north to south. As the loop rotates, the magnetic flux through the loop changes from maximum in a given orientation to zero, then to maximum in the opposite orientation. This produces an induced voltage in the loop that is sinusoidal, where N is the number of turns in the rotating loop (N = 1 in the animation), B is the magnetic field produced by the permanent magnets, A is the area of the rotating loop, and ω is the angular frequency of the rotating loop.4

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 00:30
Part f - example: finding two forces (part i) two dimensional dynamics often involves solving for two unknown quantities in two separate equations describing the total force. the block in (figure 1) has a mass m=10kg and is being pulled by a force f on a table with coefficient of static friction îľs=0.3. four forces act on it: the applied force f (directed î¸=30â above the horizontal). the force of gravity fg=mg (directly down, where g=9.8m/s2). the normal force n (directly up). the force of static friction fs (directly left, opposing any potential motion). if we want to find the size of the force necessary to just barely overcome static friction (in which case fs=îľsn), we use the condition that the sum of the forces in both directions must be 0. using some basic trigonometry, we can write this condition out for the forces in both the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, as: fcosî¸â’îľsn=0 fsinî¸+nâ’mg=0 in order to find the magnitude of force f, we have to solve a system of two equations with both f and the normal force n unknown. use the methods we have learned to find an expression for f in terms of m, g, î¸, and îľs (no n).
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 05:30
Thomas his older brothers, who own a junk yard, on the weekends to earn extra money. he likes to them push broken-down cars to the back of the junk yard because it makes him feel strong. last saturday, they pushed three cars with different weights, and he noticed he used different amounts of force for each one. the cars were the following weights: white car: 2,700 kg red car: 1,500 kg blue car: 2,100 kg think about how much force is needed to move each car. which correctly lists the cars in order from the most to least amount of force needed to move them? a) white, blue, red b) blue, red, white c) red, white, blue d) white, red, blue
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 09:00
When a light bulb shines, it gives off light energy and energy. a. heat b. potential c. chemical d. electrical
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 11:10
Which situation will produce the greatest change of momentum
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Explore In the AC generated illustrated above, a conducting loop rotates in the magnetic field of tw...
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