Physics, 30.06.2019 17:30 cyndalulu6729

Plz ! the acceleration of an object would increase if there was an increase in the question 1 options: inertia of the object. friction on the object. force on the object. mass of the object. question 2 (5 points) a roller coaster begins at the top of a hill. if it accelerates at the rate of 2 m/s2 and has a mass of 2000 kg, what net force is acting on it? (f=ma) question 2 options: 0.5 n 4000 n 1000 n 0.001 n

Answers: 1

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 03:00
Dinate system, and a charge q = - 2.00 nc is placed s2 10 n> c. (a) what is the change in electric potential energy when the dipole moment of a molecule changes its orientation with respect to es from parallel to perpendicular? (b) at what absolute temperature t is the average translational kinetic energy 32 kt of a molecule equal to the change in potential energy calculated in part(: abovethistemperature,thermalagitationprevents the dipoles from aligning with the electric field.) placed in a uniform electric field e with magnitude 1.6 * 6 on the positive x-axis at x = 4.00 cm. (a) if a third charge q3 = +6.00 nc is now placed at the point x = 4.00 cm, y = 3.00 cm, find the x- and y-components of the total force exerted on this charge by the other two. (b) find the magnitude and direction of figure p21.62 ll uu 21.55 . torque on a dipole. an electric dipole with dipole moment ps is in a uniform external electric field es. (a) find the orientations of the dipole for which the torque on the dipole is zero. (b) which of the orientations in part (a) is stable, and which is unstable? (hint: consider a small rotation away from the equi- librium position and see what happens.) (c) show that for the stable orientation in part (b), the dipole’s own electric field tends to oppose the external field. 21.62 ..
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 04:30
You are traveling in a car going at a constant speed of 100km/h down a long, straight highway. you pass another car going in the same direction which is traveling at a constant speed of 80km/h. as measured from your car's reference frame this other car is traveling at −20km/h. what is the acceleration of your car as measured from the other car's reference frame? what is the acceleration of the other car as measured from your car's reference frame?
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 05:30
Choose the most likely outcome of this scenario: jen decided to go bike riding without a helmet. while no one is around during her ride, she is thrown from her bike when her wheel goes into a pothole. she is not injured, but she is terrified to get back on her bike. what happens next? a. her physical health is affected even though she wasn't hurt. b. her mental and emotional health are affected because she is afraid to get back on her bike. c. her social health is affected because she is worried her friends saw the fall. d. her overall health is not affected at all by her fall.
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 12:00
In which of the following would the particles move most rapidly? a. ice at -20 °c b. water at 20 °c c. steam at 110 °c d. boiling water e. ice at 0 °c
Answers: 1
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Plz ! the acceleration of an object would increase if there was an increase in the question 1 optio...
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