Physics, 08.07.2019 03:30 edjiejwi

When the pressure at the bottom of a submerged object is the pressure at the top of the submerged object a buoyant force is produced? the answer is: greater than

Answers: 1

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 05:20
A3.9 g aluminum foil ball with a charge of +4.1×10−9 c is suspended on a string in a uniform horizontal e⃗ field. the string deviates to the right and makes an angle of 30∘ with the vertical. part a part complete what information about the e⃗ field can you determine for this situation? what information about the field can you determine for this situation? only the magnitude of e⃗ only the direction of e⃗ both the magnitude and the direction of e⃗ none of the above previous answers correct part b determine the magnitude of the electric field. express your answer with the appropriate units. e e = nothing nothing request answer part c determine the direction of the electric field. determine the direction of the electric field. to the right to the left away from you toward you
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 09:00
A2000 kg car is rounding a curve of radius 200 m on a level road. the maximum frictional force the road can exert on the tires of the car is 4000 n. what is the highest speed at which the car can round the curve?
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 11:00
Need this now! do pilots live long
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 14:20
The energy released by a nuclear fusion reaction is produced when
Answers: 1
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When the pressure at the bottom of a submerged object is the pressure at the top of the submerged o...
Mathematics, 03.10.2019 02:40
Mathematics, 03.10.2019 02:40