Mathematics, 12.09.2021 21:40 simreg5230

Lashonda is mailing packages. Each small package costs her $2.30 to send. Each large package cots her $4.20. How much will it cost her to send 4 small packages and 6 large packages?

Answers: 3

Another question on Mathematics

Mathematics, 21.06.2019 16:00
You are measuring the dimensions of the floor in your bedroom because you are planning to buy new carpet. which unit of measure is the most appropriate to use in this situation?
Answers: 3
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:10
Points a, b, and c form a triangle. complete the statements to prove that the sum of the interior angles of triangle abc is 180
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:30
For this option, you will work individually. the pythagorean theorem can be used in many real-world scenarios. part 1 write your own real-world scenario where the pythagorean theorem can be applied to find a missing piece. you may choose to write a problem that is two- or three-dimensional in nature. be sure that you will be able to draw a diagram of your scenario. write out your problem and submit it for part 1. be sure to end your scenario with a question. part 2 draw a diagram of the scenario you created in part 1. you may draw by hand and scan and upload your drawing or create a computer-generated drawing for submission. be sure to label all parts and dimensions of the drawing. part 3 solve the question that you posed in part 1. show all of your steps in answering the question. for this option, you will need to submit all three parts for full credit—your real-world problem and question, the diagram that you created, and your work solving the problem, showing all steps. * note that your instructor is looking for your own original idea. while it is acceptable to use the internet for research and inspiration, academic integrity policies apply.
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:30
Water flows at a steady rate from a tap. its takes 40 seconds to fill a 4 litre watering can from the tap. the rate at which water flows from the tap is halved. complete: 4 litres into cm3
Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
Lashonda is mailing packages. Each small package costs her $2.30 to send. Each large package cots he...
Mathematics, 07.10.2019 22:00