Mathematics, 23.03.2021 20:40 lakinbacon4

Can someone explain how to do this please

Can someone explain how to do this please

Answers: 1

Another question on Mathematics

Mathematics, 21.06.2019 15:10
What is the area of triangle abc if a = 8, b = 11, and c = 15?
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 16:40
What is the solution of the systems of equations? y=2/3x+3 x=-2
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 21:00
Consider the polynomials given below. p(x) = x4 + 3x3 + 2x2 – x + 2 q(x) = (x3 + 2x2 + 3)(x2 – 2) determine the operation that results in the simplified expression below. 35 + x4 – 573 - 3x2 + x - 8 a. p+q b. pq c.q-p d. p-q
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 22.06.2019 00:30
Ms. green tells you that a right triangle has a hypotenuse if 13 and a leg of 5. she ask you to find the other leg of the triangle. what is you're answer?
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Can someone explain how to do this please
Mathematics, 22.05.2020 00:03