Mathematics, 17.06.2020 22:57 rene27

Fish can be trained quite easily. With just seven days of training, golden shiner fish learn to pick a color (yellow or blue) to receive a treat, and the fish will swim to that color immediately. On the first day of training, however, it takes them some time. In the study described above, the mean time for the fish in the study to reach the yellow mark is seconds with a standard error for this statistic of 2.4. Find a 95%confidence interval for the mean time it takes a golden shiner fish to reach the yellow mark.

Answers: 2

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Convert 50 kilogram to pounds. (the conversion factor from kilogram to pound is 2.2046.) a. 52.2 lb. b. 110.2 lb. c. 22.6 lb. d. 47.8 lb.
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Fish can be trained quite easily. With just seven days of training, golden shiner fish learn to pick...
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