Mathematics, 14.04.2020 22:01 moneybaggtjuan

The owner of a pet shop predicts that 10 out of 20 new puppies are male. He randomly selects 10 of the puppies, and notes that all 10 are male. Which of the following conclusions best supports his findings?

A.10 of the puppies are male and 10 are female

B. more than 10 of the puppies are male

C. Less than 10 of the puppies are male

D. All 20 puppies are male

Answers: 1

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Asystem of linear equations contains two equations with the same slope. select all of the correct statements. i a. the system may have two solutions. - b. the system may have infinitely many solutions. c. the system may have one solution. o d. the system may have no solution. submit
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For every corresponding pair of cross sections, the area of the cross section of a sphere with radius r is equal to the area of the cross section of a cylinder with radius and height 2r minus the volume of two cones, each with a radius and height of r. a cross section of the sphere is and a cross section of the cylinder minus the cones, taken parallel to the base of cylinder, is the volume of the cylinder with radius r and height 2r is and the volume of each cone with radius r and height r is 1/3 pie r^3. so the volume of the cylinder minus the two cones is therefore, the volume of the cylinder is 4/3pie r^3 by cavalieri's principle. (fill in options are: r/2- r- 2r- an annulus- a circle -1/3pier^3- 2/3pier^3- 4/3pier^3- 5/3pier^3- 2pier^3- 4pier^3)
Answers: 3
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The owner of a pet shop predicts that 10 out of 20 new puppies are male. He randomly selects 10 of t...
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