Mathematics, 06.03.2020 13:14 nguyendavis17

11. Peter wants to go to dinner and the movies with his friends. He is going to pay with his credit card because he doesn't have enough cash for both events. What advice should you give Peter if he is trying to save money? (2 points)

Borrow money from the bank so he can go to both events.

Sacrifice either going to dinner or to the movies in order to avoid Interest charges.

Use your credit card if you can afford the minimum payment each month.

Use your credit card if you will not go over the credit limit with the two purchases.

Answers: 2

Another question on Mathematics

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Mathematics, 22.06.2019 00:00
Which scenarios are most effectively explored by conducting an experiment? there is more than one correct answer. select all that apply. researchers want to study the effectiveness of a particular drug for treating migraines. they want to know which dosage of the drug yields the best results with the least side effects. to ensure fair results, the researchers want to ensure that participants and dosage administrators do not know which dosage participants receive. a teacher wants to plan a class fieldtrip and quickly determine where students prefer to go for the class fieldtrip. a car mechanic wants to know which of two engine brands makes better-performing engines. he wants to test the engines in identical situations and rate their performance in a way that can be fairly measured. a chemist studies the properties of a metal compound. she wants to know how the sample size of the metal affects its ability to conduct electricity. she wants to conduct the research in a controlled environment to minimize bias. a realty company wants to know the average income of its clients. the company wants to gather data income from current clients.
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 22.06.2019 00:50
Problem 2. find the exact value of the remaining trigonometric functions. sketch theangle 8 for each problem. (3 points each)(a) tan 0 =o is in quadrant 2
Answers: 2
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11. Peter wants to go to dinner and the movies with his friends. He is going to pay with his credit...
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