History, 23.09.2019 00:30 BM213

(mc)how did the dawes plan increase the stability of european nations? it offered incentives for the rebuilding of war-torn areas. it allowed for political leaders to resolve differences through mediation. it encouraged the sale of natural resources to neighboring nations. it provided the opportunity for quicker repayment of debts.

Answers: 1

Another question on History

History, 21.06.2019 18:30
The victory of andrew jackson in the presidential elections of 1828 was aided by (1) the support of eastern bankers (2) implementing woman's suffrage (3) reducing property qualification for voting (4) the endorsement of northern abolitionists
Answers: 3
History, 21.06.2019 21:00
Which of the following events happen during president hardings term? a) the supreme court decided to break up large corporations. b) the supreme court strength and state laws protection labor union. c) the supreme court ruled in favor of extended regulations of child labor. d)the supreme court made it easier for large businesses to operate.
Answers: 1
History, 21.06.2019 23:00
Describe some effects of the rise of communism in the soviet union?
Answers: 2
History, 22.06.2019 00:40
Which is one reason many african nations have not prospered after gaining independence from european colonial powers? a. colonial powers sent their weakest economic advisors to the new countries, and their recommendations were flawed. b. independence left them with weak economies, and many countries have been unable to overcome or recover from these burdens. c. the desert region of the interior is inhospitable to foreign investors, and business interests focused on the coastal mediterranean cities. d. the money endowed upon independence is still tied up in the bank of england, which is hesitant to make loans to struggling nations.
Answers: 1
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(mc)how did the dawes plan increase the stability of european nations? it offered incentives for th...
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