History, 08.10.2019 14:20 nmjohnson2025

How is the geography of the mayan civilization different from the geography of mesopotamian civilization? mesopotamians were not able to grow a variety of crops on their land. the maya were not able to grow a variety of crops on their land. the mesopotamian civilization was not built around a major river. the mayan civilization was not built around a major river.

Answers: 3

Another question on History

History, 22.06.2019 04:30
Which of these was one of the most important aspects of washington's presidency a. he did not consider how his actions would affect later presidents b. he came to believe that political parties would be good for the country. c. he insisted that congress make specific rules about the duties of the president d. he did not take advantage of the opportunity to keep the power the country offered him.
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 07:00
Pls me! the black codes were various state laws in the south concerning african-americans which of the following statements about the black codes is not accurate. a. the black codes protected the civil rights of african-americans. b. african americans who cannot afford to pay a fine could be jailed and then be hired out to anyway person who could pay the fine. c. some southern states passed laws that prohibited is african-americans from voting or serving on jury‘s. d. the black codes were designed to force african-americans into a condition of near slavery.
Answers: 2
History, 22.06.2019 09:30
What was the goal of the united states' invasion at the bay of pigs?
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 16:00
The original tragedy of the commons concerned grazing cows and sheep in fourteenth century england. choose the statement about this tragedy of the commons that is correct. a. the tragedy of the commons in fourteenth century england was overcome by the common lands being enclosed and privatized. b. everyone had an incentive to ensure that the land was not over grazed. c. even with the tragedy of the commons, the use of the commons was efficient. d. the tragedy of the commons in fourteenth century england was overcome by falling wool prices and the decrease in the size of sheep flocks.
Answers: 1
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How is the geography of the mayan civilization different from the geography of mesopotamian civiliza...