History, 11.07.2019 16:00 kiannadgarnica

After experiencing religious intolerance themselves in england, why do you think the puritans practiced similar intolerance against dissenters like roger williams and anne hutchinson?

Answers: 1

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History, 22.06.2019 09:00
What motive did the federalists have for pushing the alien act through congress in 1798? a. the new law made immigrants pay higher taxes, which the federalists hoped would be used to pay the national debt and fund the military. b. the new law denied immigrants the right to vote because many immigrants supported thomas jefferson and the republicans. c. the new law required business owners to hire illegal aliens who hated the liberal republicans. d. the new law made immigrants wait 14 years before becoming citizens, a move the federalists hoped would keep them from voting for years. select the best answer from the choices provided abcd
Answers: 2
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After experiencing religious intolerance themselves in england, why do you think the puritans practi...
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