Health, 07.10.2019 07:30 helen3327

Almost half of all students on school teams or clubs report being





Answers: 1

Another question on Health

Health, 21.06.2019 20:30
Agroup of 50 adult male humans were in a clinical study to determine how much niacin is toxic. during the first two weeks of the study, members of the group consumed only a formula diet that was nutritionally complete, except it contained 24 mg niacin, which is 1.5 times the rda for niacin (males). at that point in the study, all members reported feeling fine. during the next week, they were given a formula that contained 48 mg niacin. within a few days of consuming this formula, 90% of the participants reported feeling ill, and they complained of having upset stomachs and reddened facial skin. at that point, researchers gave the subjects a formula that contain 16 mg niacin. after a week of consuming the new formula, all participants reported feeling well again. based on this information, the researchers concluded that the amdr for niacin is between 16 and 24 mg/day. ul for niacin was between 24 and 48 mg/day. human requirement for niacin is 16 mg/day. eer for niacin was 16 mg/day.
Answers: 2
Health, 22.06.2019 13:30
List three reasons people may begin using tobacco
Answers: 1
Health, 23.06.2019 02:30
What can you do to be a financially responsible consumer.
Answers: 1
Health, 23.06.2019 21:00
Write an essay of no less than 200 words about how drugs and alcohol can affect the body and make you unable to participate in sports and fitness-related activities. include your own ideas about how to say "no" to your peers if they offer you drugs as a means of "fitting in."
Answers: 3
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Almost half of all students on school teams or clubs report being


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