Health, 16.11.2020 19:40 charitysamuels

Hey you, yes you. grab a glass of water,
sit in front of the mirror, and smile.

Even if you have nothing to smile about, try it,
you'll find something beautiful in you.

if you think you're ugly or having a bad hair day,

focus on your eyes. I think your eyes are beautiful.

Don't think so? think again; there is no such thing as ugly eyes.

Still, smiling?
Now smile again.

Notice you're more beautiful when you smile.
Cool right?
It would be best if you tried it more :)

Are you scared of anything right now?
Are you stressed?
Take a sip of water.

Now before you wipe the water away,
see the drops of water on your lips.

Notice how they shine,
even in the tiniest bit of light.

They're just like you.
You shine, no matter what.

You'll put up a smile even though you're hurting
you'll shine even though you're bursting into tears.

How do I know?
Because you're still here, practicing self-care.

And you know self-care isn't selfish.
You know how to feel, and you know how to breathe.

You're shining,
and I'm very proud of you.

(please spread this message forward) <3

Answers: 3

Another question on Health

Health, 21.06.2019 15:30
The media influences tobacco use by teens how? a) by showing beautiful, strong, and popular people using tobacco and cigarettes b) tobacco companies describing all the health effects of tobacco use c) cigarette businesses explaining all of the addictive qualities of tobacco use d) none of the above
Answers: 2
Health, 22.06.2019 08:10
As análises de santo agostinho quanto ao direito divino de governar indicam: i – que o exercício da funç? o política abrange a pessoa humana inteira tomando seu corpo e alma. traça um caminho teológico para aqueles que se sentem chamados para exercer cargos de governo. ii – defende que o objetivo relativo da política é garantir a tranquilidade, a ordem e o bem comum de todos os cidad? os. para ele esses s? o bens necessários, porém, n? o absolutos. iii – a legitimidade do poder está na relaç? o com deus, de onde origina todo o poder. iv – todas as instituiç? es sociais, incluindo a política, tem como finalidade fazer os homens inflamarem o desejo expresso na oraç? o do pai-nosso: "venha a nós o vosso reino." por isso, defende que amar a deus e aos homens é a mesma coisa. est? o corretas as afirmaç? es:
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The theory of vicarious liability or ostensible agency can expose a health plan to the risk thatit could be held liable for the acts of independent contractors. factors that may give rise to theassumption that an agency relationship exists between a health plan and its independentcontractors include
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Health, 23.06.2019 02:30
The affordable care act has expanded mental health and substance abuse benefits to 62 million people and is an addition to the mental health parity act of 2008. the changes and additions require mental health coverage in small group and individual plans where people were not previously covered. what is the biggest benefit of these changes? what major challenges are still associated with mental health coverage? explain your reasoning.
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Hey you, yes you. grab a glass of water,
sit in front of the mirror, and smile.
