French, 25.10.2021 14:00 wavy419

Étudiants à la Sorbonne. You are writing an article on student life in Paris. Verify the information you have jotted down by expressing your statements as questions. modèle:
Stéphane étudie à la Sorbonne. →

Est-ce que Stéphane étudie à la Sorbonne?

Il est belge.

Vous admirez Stéphane.

Stéphane et Carole sont étudiants en philosophie.

Ils sont sympathiques.

Carole habite à la cité-U.

Answers: 1

Another question on French

French, 22.06.2019 08:30
Select the correct answer. choose the phrase that best completes this conversation? dominique: de quoi as-tu besoin pour faire la vaisselle? romain: afin de faire la vaisselle, j'ai besoin de liquide vaisselle,
Answers: 1
French, 24.06.2019 18:30
Ineed french . i am writing sentences i wrote in english in french. could someone check to see if the french translations are correct in regards to linguistics such as grammar? 1. i like the bookstore the best. > > > j’aime la librairie le meilleur. 2. i don’t spend a lot. maybe 30$ dollars. > > > je ne dépenser pas beaucoup. peut-être trente dollars. 3. the jewelry store is the most expensive. > > > la bijouterie est le plus cher. 4. i pay with money. > > > je payer avec l’argent.
Answers: 2
French, 24.06.2019 22:00
Ineed in french. could someone check over a question in french? i am writing 'i am drinking water.' in french, can you check if it is correct? my french text: je suis le fait de boire l'eau
Answers: 2
French, 24.06.2019 22:00
Ineed some with french.i wrote a text describing my favorite dinner, provided will be the text below, can someone check over the french version of the text t see if it's grammatically correct or just merely correct. i am new to french; hence, i am having a hard time.the english text: my perfect dinner would have salads, a lot of desserts, et lemonade. i would choose a green salad and soup for my entree. for my main dish, i would choose a sandwich. i would finish with a lot of desserts like a bowl of ice cream and some cake. i would have lemonade to drink.the french text: mon diner parfait aurait des salades, beaucoup de desserts et de la limonade. je choisirais une salade verte et une soupe pour mon entrée. pour mon plat principal, je choisirais un sandwich. je finirais avec beaucoup de desserts comme une boule de glace et du gâteau. j'aurais de la limonade à boire.
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Étudiants à la Sorbonne. You are writing an article on student life in Paris. Verify the information...
English, 08.12.2021 02:40
Mathematics, 08.12.2021 02:40