English, 23.07.2019 15:20 queentynaisa

What is your opinion of the idea that significant events can change an individual’s perspective?

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 15:50
Read the following excerpt from string by alice childress: maydelle. oh, look at you. if you had a nice suit perhapsnone of this would have happened.joe. l. v. got a nice suit, he got maybe forty nice suits andhe live in a pretty white house with a lawn in the front of it... but he cheatswhich statement best explains how the author uses symbolism in thisexcerpt? a. joe stands for the general turmoil that followed the years after thecivil rights act of 1964, which included riots and assassinations.b. with his combination of nice clothes and immoral behavior, l. v.represents the price some african americans paid in order toescape poverty.c. by describing l v.'s clothes in the same breath as his evilbehavior, joe points out that l. v. is only good on the outside, noton the insideod. the tension between joe and l. v. culminates in a physicalaltercation that is only broken up when the women in the playintervene.
Answers: 1
English, 21.06.2019 18:10
Read the passage from sugar changed the world. sugar is different from honey. it offers a stronger sweet flavor, and like steel or plastic, it had to be invented. in the age of sugar, europeans bought a product made thousands of miles away that was less expensive than the honey from down the road. that was possible only because sugar set people in motion all across the world—millions of them as slaves, in chains; a few in search of their fortunes. a perfect taste made possible by the most brutal labor: that is the dark story of sugar. how does the comparison of sugar to honey reveal the authors’ purpose? it persuades readers that sugar tastes better than honey. it informs readers that there is a connection between slavery and sugar. it informs readers that honey had a major impact on society. it persuades readers that sugar is as important an invention as steel.
Answers: 1
English, 21.06.2019 19:10
Which sources would be most appropriate for an essay that focuses on how technology has affected the development of english? check all that apply. an anthology of old and middle english literature u "colonialism and the influence of french on english" the effects of the printing press on language "how computers are changing the way we speak, write, and think" influential writers of the eighteenth century "lol: the influence of text messaging on spoken english"
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 05:50
Based on the speaker's viewpoint, whichstatement would he likely disagree with? imagination can be used to gain knowledge.individual knowledge is verified by experttestimony.true knowledge comes from thinking foryourself.knowledge comes from separating yourselffrom the does not need to happen in alecture hall.
Answers: 2
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What is your opinion of the idea that significant events can change an individual’s perspective?...
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