English, 03.03.2022 09:20 datstepparoddoe27

Help with this you get brainiliest

Help with this you get brainiliest
Help with this you get brainiliest

Answers: 2

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 15:50
Read the following excerpt from string by alice childress: maydelle. oh, look at you. if you had a nice suit perhapsnone of this would have happened.joe. l. v. got a nice suit, he got maybe forty nice suits andhe live in a pretty white house with a lawn in the front of it... but he cheatswhich statement best explains how the author uses symbolism in thisexcerpt? a. joe stands for the general turmoil that followed the years after thecivil rights act of 1964, which included riots and assassinations.b. with his combination of nice clothes and immoral behavior, l. v.represents the price some african americans paid in order toescape poverty.c. by describing l v.'s clothes in the same breath as his evilbehavior, joe points out that l. v. is only good on the outside, noton the insideod. the tension between joe and l. v. culminates in a physicalaltercation that is only broken up when the women in the playintervene.
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 05:00
In at least two paragraphs, discuss the differences between the principles of republicanism and democracy. explain whether you think the united states is more of a republic or a democracy. refer to at least one example from the constitution. (10 points)
Answers: 3
English, 22.06.2019 06:00
He had fished in the river since ten years and he was a good fisherman. he know where to found the slim sliver chilwa fish, a big beautiful mahseer and the long moustache singhara. he know where the river was deep but where it is shallow; he knew which baits to use - which fish like worms and which liked gram. edit the above
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 14:50
Which phrase best defines “figurative language”? writing that is meant to be imaginative and vivid rather than literal words that create mental pictures of something seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or touched poems that include many different types of rhymes and rhythms sentences that are long and reference historical and literary figures
Answers: 2
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Help with this you get brainiliest

Mathematics, 04.11.2020 22:20
English, 04.11.2020 22:20
Mathematics, 04.11.2020 22:20
Mathematics, 04.11.2020 22:20