English, 02.06.2021 18:20 postorivofarms

1 . A : Are you enjoying the novel? B: a ) No , I got bored after one chapter. b No, I have boring after one chapter . c)No, I do bored after one chapter . d) No, I do boring after one chapter

Answers: 3

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English, 21.06.2019 22:10
Which of the narrator's statements in "the yellow wallpaper" suggests that she does not think women are too frail to be intellectual? a.i verily believe she thinks it is the writing which made me sick! b.of course i didn't do a thing. jennie sees to everything now. c. i don't feel as if it was worth while to turn my hand over for anything, and i'm getting dreadfully fretful and querulous. d. so i walk a little in the garden or down that lovely lane, sit on the porch under the roses, and lie down up here a good deal.
Answers: 1
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1 . A : Are you enjoying the novel? B: a ) No , I got bored after one chapter. b No, I have boring a...