English, 06.10.2019 01:30 anondriap

9. based on this stanza from the poem "alone" by edgar allen poe, what is the poem's main idea?
from childhood's hour i have not been
as others were have not seen
as others saw– could not bring
my passions from a common spring
from the same source i have not taken
my sorrow- could not awaken
my heart to joy at the same tone-
- and all i loved—i loved alone.
the poet is remembering being a child
ob. the poet thinks he is different from other children.
oc. the poet believes he is happier than others.
od. the poet is very sad and lonely

Answers: 2

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9. based on this stanza from the poem "alone" by edgar allen poe, what is the poem's main idea?
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