
I am trying how to give this code the correct spacing. It needs to be equally spaced.

Like this below. Please give any advice, thank you
Enter integer: 99
Enter double: 3.77
Enter character: z
Enter string: Howdy
99 3.77 z Howdy
Howdy z 3.77 99
3.77 cast to an integer is 3
import java. util. Scanner;

public class BasicInput {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System. in);
int userInt = 0;
double userDouble = 0.0;
// FIXME Define char and string variables similarly
char userChar;
String userString;

System. out. println("\n Enter integer: ");
userInt = scnr. nextInt();

// FIXME (1): Finish reading other items into variables, then output the four values on a single line separated by a space
System. out. println("\n Enter double: ");
userDouble = scnr. nextDouble();
System. out. println("\n Enter character: ");
userChar = scnr. next().charAt(0);
System. out. println("\n Enter string: ");
userString = scnr. next();
System. out. print("" + userInt + " " + userDouble + " " + userChar + " " + userString);
// FIXME (2): Output the four values in reverse
System. out. println(userString + " " + userChar + " " + userDouble + " " + userInt);
// FIXME (3): Cast the double to an integer, and output that integer
int castInt = (int)userDouble;
System. out. println("" + userDouble + " cast to an integer is " + castInt);

Answers: 1

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You know the right answer?
I am trying how to give this code the correct spacing. It needs to be equally spaced.

Mathematics, 04.08.2019 21:30