Chemistry, 29.01.2020 04:02 juelchasse

The planets closest to the sun are the inner, or terrestrial, planets and are similar to earth in some ways. they are rocky and dense, have few moons, no rings, and are relatively small. these planets also differ in many ways, as shown in the chart. for example, venus is the hottest planet on the chart, even though mercury is closer to the sun. the temperature difference between venus and earth is significantly greater than the difference between venus and mercury, even though venus lies close to midway between those two planets. which statement elaborates on the cause of this wide range of temperatures between terrestrial planets? 45 !
a) the dense atmosphere of venus traps the sun's heat, known as the greenhouse effect, resulting in high temperatures.

b) the farther away from the sun, the thinner a planet's atmosphere. closer planets need more protection from the heat.

c) the temperature of mars is so low because its atmosphere is mostly made of carbon dioxide, which does not trap heat well.

d) venus is more than twice as large as mercury, so it absorbs more of the sun's heat, even though mercury is closer to the sun.

Answers: 3

Another question on Chemistry

Chemistry, 21.06.2019 19:00
Dying the folding patterns of protein molecules can microbiologists better understand cellular processes as well as some diseases, such as alzheimer’s, that are caused by proteins that have misfolded. the folding of these complicated molecules can be simulated on computers, but it takes a lot of processor power and time for even expensive supercomputers to do this. a group of researchers at stanford university developed software that can be used to distribute the processing of data to anyone who is willing to donate time on their idle personal computers. as a result, the researchers have been able to achieve protein-folding simulations that are far better than those other computing methods have done. which statement best describes the work of these researchers? the work is not scientific because the data are not processed in one location. the work is not scientific because the simulations are not reproducible. the researchers applied creativity to solve a problem in running an experiment. the researchers used only well-established scientific techniques.
Answers: 3
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The planets closest to the sun are the inner, or terrestrial, planets and are similar to earth in so...
Mathematics, 31.03.2020 06:49
Mathematics, 31.03.2020 06:49
Mathematics, 31.03.2020 06:49