Business, 09.12.2021 16:50 beevus2666

The Blue Star generally receives only three checks a month with amounts of $14,809, $16,211, and $14,750. These checks all have a collection delay of 1.5 days. Given this information, what is the amount of the average daily float

Answers: 3

Another question on Business

Business, 22.06.2019 00:40
Eileen's elegant earrings produces pairs of earrings for its mail order catalogue business. each pair is shipped in a separate box. she rents a small room for $150 a week in the downtown business district that serves as her factory. she can hire workers for $275 a week. there are no implicit costs. what is the marginal product of the second worker?
Answers: 3
Business, 22.06.2019 12:50
There is a small, family-owned store that sells food and household goods in a small town. the owners have good relations with the community, especially with local farmers who supply much of the food. the farmers aren't organized into a cooperative or union, and the store deals with each individually. suppose the store wanted to buy some farms to control the supply of certain vegetables. how would you classify this strategic move? select one: a. horizontal integration b. forward integration c. backward integration d. concentric integration
Answers: 2
Business, 22.06.2019 19:30
Nextdoor is an instant messaging application for smartphones. new smartphone users find it easier to connect with friends and relatives through this mobile app when compared to other similar instant messaging applications. hence, it has the largest user base in the industry. thus, nextdoor app's value has increased primarily due to itsa. learning curve effects. b. economies of scale. c. economies of scope. d. network effects.
Answers: 2
Business, 22.06.2019 21:00
There is just one person in our group, silvia, who seems to have radically different ideas about how to complete our project. she seems to purposely disagree with the majority opinions of the rest of us though yesterday she said something that made a lot of sense to us solve our production problem. i suggested to the entire group today that we hear silvia’s suggestions and asked silvia to share in-depth more of what she said yesterday. i am using which adaptive leader behavior?
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
The Blue Star generally receives only three checks a month with amounts of $14,809, $16,211, and $14...
Mathematics, 24.08.2019 17:30
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Mathematics, 24.08.2019 17:30