Business, 21.01.2021 14:00 FireStorm7327

Choose all that apply. Select all of the wise recommendations for selecting stock.
Listen to stock tips from friends.
Look at the P/E ratio.
Look at the 52-week high and low.
Find information about the company.
Look at the dividend.
Go with what you know.
Look at the opening price.

Answers: 2

Another question on Business

Business, 22.06.2019 03:20
The treasurer for pittsburgh iron works wishes to use financial futures to hedge her interest rate exposure. she will sell five treasury futures contracts at $139,000 per contract. it is july and the contracts must be closed out in december of this year. long-term interest rates are currently 7.30 percent. if they increase to 9.50 percent, assume the value of the contracts will go down by 20 percent. also if interest rates do increase by 2.2 percent, assume the firm will have additional interest expense on its business loans and other commitments of $149,000. this expense, of course, will be separate from the futures contracts. a. what will be the profit or loss on the futures contract if interest rates increase to 9.50 percent by december when the contract is closed out
Answers: 1
Business, 22.06.2019 11:00
Why does an organization prepare a balance sheet? a. to reveal what the organization owns and owes at a point in time b. to reveal how well the company utilizes its cash c. to calculate retained earnings for a given accounting period d. to calculate gross profit for a given accounting period
Answers: 3
Business, 22.06.2019 11:40
If kroger had whole foods’ number of days’ sales in inventory, how much additional cash flow would have been generated from the smaller inventory relative to its actual average inventory position? round interim calculations to one decimal place and your final answer to the nearest million.
Answers: 2
Business, 22.06.2019 17:40
Because the demand for wheat tends to be inelastic. true or false
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Choose all that apply. Select all of the wise recommendations for selecting stock.
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Social Studies, 05.04.2020 09:15
Mathematics, 05.04.2020 09:15